Theo tin The County of Orange and OC Public Libraries
OC Public Libraries Expands Free Summer Lunch Program for Children to Five Branches
The County of Orange and OC Public Libraries are pleased to announce the expansion of the Lunch @ the Library program, beginning June 18th. Any child 18 and under who walks in the door during the six week program at participating branches will receive a free lunch!
The program began in 2016 at the Garden Grove Chapman branch and expanded in 2017 to include the Garden Grove Main branch, where together they served over 6,500 lunches last year. For 2018, the program will also include the Costa Mesa Donald Dungan, El Toro, and San Juan Capistrano branches. OC Public Libraries will be working again with the California State Library and the Garden Grove School District, and has established new partnerships with the Capistrano Unified School District, Newport Mesa Unified School District, and Saddleback Valley Unified School District to help feed children in their communities.
For many families, the stability, nutrition, and education that is provided by the school lunch program, the school day, and after-school programs, ends when school lets out for summer. During the summer vacation, children and teens in low-income families often struggle to have their basic needs met, and for many, the summer months mean reduced or limited access to healthy food, learning and enrichment programs, and safe places to congregate and be active. Lunch @ the Library helps ensure all children are nourished and engaged during the summer months. The program, which is accessible, popular with families, providing healthy meals and learning and enrichment opportunities, and free of charge — is helping to address the need for appealing, enriching, summer meal sites, and helping to ensure that children and teens return to school in the fall ready to learn.
More information can be found at and a promotional video can be found here
Schedule and locations are:
June 18 – July 27, Monday – Friday, from noon to 1 p.m.
Garden Grove Main Library, 11200 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840, (714) 530-0711
El Toro Library, 24672 Raymond Way, Lake Forest, CA 92630, (949) 855-8173
June 18 – July 27, Monday – Thursday, from noon to 1 p.m.
Garden Grove Chapman, 9182 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92841, (714) 539-2115
San Juan Capistrano, 31495 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, (949) 493-1752
June 25 – August 3, Monday – Friday, from noon to 1 p.m.
Costa Mesa Donald Dungan, 1855 Park Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (949) 646-8845
Please note: All branches will be closed July 4th and lunches will not be served on that day.